Seeking…Finding…Healing Audio Book
December 13, 2022Eating Addiction Recovery Model Audio Book
This book helps the reader understand why compulsive eating and compulsively controlling of our eating and weight hasn’t brought us freedom from the obsessive cycle of on and off dieting. It guides the reader in identifying and understanding the opposing, crazy-making voices that accompany eating and weight problems, and guides us to relief from the self-directed bigotry of looks-ism. Over 40 years ago Becky L. Jackson found a path to freedom by addressing the issue as an eating addiction and she outlines her personal path in a concept-by-concept, step-by-step, chapter-by-chapter recovery road. Additionally, each chapter has comments by people who have walked this recovery path with her. In addition to writing two other books, Dieting: A Dry Drunk and Dieting: A Dry Drunk The Workbook, Becky designed one of the first social model recovery homes for women with eating disorders in the nation.Since dieting has an 85% failure rate, and who would put their retirement monies in to an account with that rate of failure, isn’t it time to try a new approach to our eating and weight problem?